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Scoliosis Treatment Near Me in Missouri City, TX. Chiropractor For Scoliosis Pain Relief.

Scoliosis Treatment in Missouri City, TX

Scoliosis is a global spinal distortion often resulting in abnormal lateral spinal curvatures. It can affect anybody, but it is most prevalent during adolescence, identified first during teenage years as a child’s body is rapidly developing. Scoliosis is a progressive condition that will continue into adulthood if not effectively managed.

Scoliosis grows and adapts rapidly with the patient. Though it can be asymptomatic, scoliosis causes musculoskeletal imbalances, resulting in pain, muscle tension and imbalances, and decreased range of motion.

$49 New Patient Scoliosis Treatment Special

Comprehensive Consultation
Complete Physical Examination
All Necessary Digital X-rays
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Musculoskeletal imbalances and spinal distortions can weaken nerve signals responsible for controlling every function in the human body. Nerve interference can cause pain, numbness and tingling, muscle weakness, and organ dysfunction.

Spinal distortion makes you prone to injury and limited performance in sports. Muscle imbalances cause abnormal wear and tear and premature joint degeneration, increasing the risk of disc herniation and other disc injuries. Without noticeable symptoms, scoliosis can be a common condition that remains undetected.

Less than 5% of chiropractors train in corrective techniques designed to stabilize and reduce spinal curvatures, such as scoliosis. Although not always correctable, corrective chiropractic care can stabilize the spine and reduce abnormal curvature, improving a patient’s spinal health, reducing the risk of injury and future complications, and allowing them to live a more vibrant life.

Early scoliosis detection is critical. The sooner you address it, the easier correction will be, and the better life you can live. Like cavities, spinal issues will worsen until they’re dealt with. You wouldn’t wait until your children were in pain to have their teeth checked, but because we see teeth and don’t see the spine, we assume there’s nothing wrong unless it hurts. Most adults, let alone children, don’t have their spinal health evaluated until they become symptomatic. Chiropractic care, similar to dental care, is just as much about maintaining and preventing health problems in the spinal column, such as scoliosis, as it is treating them once damage has occurred.

How Our Scoliosis Care Plan Works

Obsessive About
The Cause

Stop focusing on your symptoms! To get real results, feel great, and live a vibrant life, you have to correct the cause of your problem, not just treat the symptoms.


Our doctors will design a comprehensive care plan based on YOU – your goals and exam findings. This gets real results in your body and transforms your health.

Lasting Results & Continual Improvement

Great health is not a few weeks of feeling good. You deserve a lifetime of vitality. We’ll help you get the results you want and partner with you for a life without limits.

How We Treat Scoliosis in Missouri City, TX

Comprehensive Consultation and Exam

Your care will start by meeting with a doctor to discuss your unique situation, any negative health effects you’re experiencing, and your goals for care. We’ll conduct a detailed examination and take any necessary spinal images to determine your scoliosis’s exact location, degree, and severity.

Digital X-rays

A picture is worth 1000 words. X-rays are critical to helping us identify the location and degree of your distortion and establish a benchmark starting point as we monitor your scoliosis progression. When severe, scoliosis can be life-threatening, so we want to identify these situations as quickly as possible and ensure regular monitoring.

X-rays measure the degree of curvature to the millimeter and pinpoint the exact location(s) where the spine is affected. There may also be congenital anomalies, such as hemi or misshapen vertebrae or misshapen vertebrae, that can cause more severe complications and make treatment more difficult. Without imaging spinal X-rays, there’s no way to know if these conditions exist.

Luckily, because of modernized technology, radiation risk is extremely low and negligible for side effects.

Specific Chiropractic Care in Missouri City, TX

Significant spinal alignment distortion due to scoliosis can create considerable wear and tear forces on the spinal discs, connective tissue, and joint surfaces, putting them at risk for injury and degenerative changes.

There are also neurological implications. Muscles should be balanced and have enough tone to stabilize the spine. Some muscles can become neurologically inhibited from doing their job. Some become weak and unable to contract, while others might become tight or spastic.

These structural and neurological issues cause poor biomechanics, movement, and posture and increase the risk of injury throughout life. Compromised anatomy increases the likelihood of injury during sports injuries or car accidents.

Only a small percentage of chiropractors have specific training in managing, stabilizing, and reducing spinal distortions and scoliosis curvatures. A comprehensive approach is essential to manage, analyze, and treat scoliosis, taking into account all of the factors that affect scoliosis, including:

  • Neurologic balance
  • Muscle tone
  • Structural skeletal alignment of the pelvis and spine
  • Disc rehabilitation
  • Rehabilitative exercises

Chiropractic’s approach offers more than just simple bracing and avoids taking steps toward surgery.

Customized Therapeutic Exercise Plan

Scoliosis compromises your posture. Not actively working on balancing your posture begins a downward cycle where scoliosis degrades your posture and your muscles buckle and become weak accepting that posture, which will further degrade your posture over time. We customize an exercise plan to address the specific severities of each patient’s scoliosis. They are designed to reinforce proper postural tone, activate inhibited muscles, and relax spastic muscles contributing to imbalances. These exercises will also improve biomechanical function in your day-to-day life and reduce symptoms associated with your scoliosis.

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Scoliosis Risk Factors and Complications

Risk Factors

Age: Scoliosis almost always progresses gradually when not identified and effectively managed. As with any health condition, the longer it goes unaddressed, the more damage it will cause. As you age, unaddressed scoliosis poses a much higher risk of degenerative joint disease, arthritis, and disc herniation, as well as decreased mobility and functionality in your day-to-day activities.

Gender: Scoliosis is 7 to 14 times more likely in females than males.

Family History: Research shows that scoliosis passes through families. If you or your children have a family history of scoliosis, you must have their spines checked.


Scoliosis in the thoracic spine affects the nerve roots serving the heart and lungs, leading to chest pain, irregular heartbeat, and diminished lung capacity. Scoliosis in the lumbar spine affects the nerve roots controlling digestive function, reproduction, bowel and bladder function, and pelvic alignment.

Common outward appearances from scoliosis are asymmetries and rotation of the hips, one hip appearing lower than the other, and one leg appearing longer. Some people notice their belly button off-center. You may see tilting or rotation of the shoulders or one shoulder appearing higher than the other. You may notice what’s referred to as a rib hump in the thoracic or mid-back area, where one side of the spine curves as an S-shape, creating a humping on one side or a hunching of the upper back.

Benefits of Chiropractic Care For Scoliosis in Missouri City, TX

For patients with scoliosis, chiropractic care:

  • Reduces pain
  • Corrects posture
  • Balances biomechanics
  • Improves range of motion
  • Increases flexibility and mobility
  • Improves joint function
  • Enhances physical activity
  • Improves lifestyle and quality of life

Scoliosis surgery may be required in severe situations, but we try to avoid that when conservative care can be effective. Surgery for scoliosis can be extremely invasive, where rods are surgically drilled into most, if not all, of the spinal column. This drastically limits range of motion, mobility, and functionality in life. Chiropractic is a non-invasive, non-surgical, non-drug approach to care that has no risk of surgical injury or drug addiction.

Chiropractic is traditionally the most cost-effective type of care for scoliosis. Surgery for scoliosis or orthopedic management can be tens of thousands of dollars, sometimes more than six figures. Chiropractic care is a fraction of this cost, with better outcomes in most scenarios and minimal side effects.

Check Out Our Location Near You

5425 Hwy 6 Suite A-300
Missouri City, TX 77459

Frequently Asked Questions

Is a chiropractor good for scoliosis?

Yes! At Life Essentials Chiropractic, we specialize in corrective chiropractic care, which is the most effective, conservative treatment for scoliosis.

Can chiropractic adjustments fix scoliosis?

Mild cases of scoliosis can be correctable, though in some cases it’s not. The condition is usually manageable, and corrective techniques can help reduce the curve and slow its progression. Chiropractic helps a patient maintain biomechanical and neurological function throughout a lifetime.

How should you sleep with scoliosis?

Due to the complexities and severities of scoliosis, it’s best to consult with a corrective care chiropractor to get recommendations for your specific situation. Generally speaking, you should consider symmetry in your sleeping position, avoid rotation of your pelvis and hips, and keep symmetry between your head, shoulders, and hips, whether on your back or your side. Placing a pillow between your knees can help you maintain a neutral sleeping position. Avoid sleeping on your stomach.

What does scoliosis pain feel like?

Scoliosis can be asymptomatic, but nerve compression and joint irritation often result in breathing problems, decreased lung capacity, chest pain, irregular heartbeat, sciatica, numbness and tingling, cramping, and pain in the upper and lower extremities.

How can I straighten my spine naturally?

Corrective chiropractic care in our office, along with specific exercises and rehabilitation based on your particular situation, can help to correct abnormal curvature without bracing or surgery.

Is walking good for scoliosis?

Generally speaking, exercises that promote spinal mobility and stability are good for scoliosis.

How can you tell that a person has scoliosis?

Digital X-rays are a great way to tell the degree and severity of scoliosis. With the naked eye, you want to look for postural distortions that indicate lateral curves of the spine. These include:

  • Visibly curved spine
  • Uneven shoulders
  • One hip that sticks out
  • Leaning to one side
  • Ribs sticking out on one side
  • Clothes hang improperly

What happens if scoliosis is left untreated in adults?

If unaddressed, scoliosis progresses throughout a lifetime, resulting in wear and tear on the joints and increasing the risk of spinal degeneration, arthritis, degenerative disc disease, and disc herniation. Nerve compression and joint irritation can impact mobility and organ and body system function.

What sports should be avoided with scoliosis?

Due to the wide variation of complexity, it’s best to consult a qualified corrective care chiropractor for advice on your unique situation. Contact sports and competitive cheer, gymnastics, or dance should be avoided as they’ve been shown to increase the risk of progression.

$49 New Patient Scoliosis Treatment Special

Comprehensive Consultation
Complete Physical Examination
All Necessary Digital X-rays
Report of Findings

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