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Headaches Treatment Near Me in Missouri City, TX. Chiropractor For Headache Relief.

Headache Treatment in Missouri City, TX

Headaches may be common, but they are not normal. We understand the profound impact headaches can have on your life, ranging from mild irritations to severe conditions like migraines, cluster headaches, and even what are clinically known as “suicide headaches.” With 15 years of experience as a corrective chiropractor, Dr. Anderson has successfully treated over 12,000 people, significantly reducing or eliminating their headaches and migraines.

Headaches are frequently linked to cervical misalignments affecting the joints, muscles, nervous system, and blood supply within the cervical spine. A normal, healthy cervical spine has a relaxed C-shaped curve, which is crucial for supporting the head (approximately the weight of a bowling ball) and facilitating proper muscle balance. Deviations from this natural curvature can lead to chronic muscle tension and compress nerves or blood vessels, which, in turn, can cause headaches that radiate from the neck to the back of the head, through the eyes, or to the sides of the head.

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More critically, a misaligned cervical spine can reduce blood flow to the brain by up to 35%, leading to not just headaches but potentially increasing the risk for more severe conditions over time, such as memory loss, brain fog, Alzheimer’s, or even seizures. The narrowing of the spinal canal due to forward curvature can compress and irritate the spinal cord and brainstem, exacerbating neurological disturbances that often manifest as intense headaches.

Whether your headaches are occasional nuisances or severe impediments, our approach focuses on rectifying cervical misalignments to restore proper nerve function and blood flow, enhancing overall health and well-being. With corrective chiropractic care, you don’t have to accept the limitations of chronic headaches as part of your daily life.

How Our Headaches Care Plan Works

Obsessive About
The Cause

Stop focusing on your symptoms! To get real results, feel great, and live a vibrant life, you have to correct the cause of your problem, not just treat the symptoms.


Our doctors will design a comprehensive care plan based on YOU – your goals and exam findings. This gets real results in your body and transforms your health.

Lasting Results & Continual Improvement

Great health is not a few weeks of feeling good. You deserve a lifetime of vitality. We’ll help you get the results you want and partner with you for a life without limits.

How We Treat Headaches in Missouri City, TX

Comprehensive Assessment

We leave no stone unturned as we try to discover the root cause of your headaches. A complete evaluation, including posture analysis, range of motion testing, palpation, orthopedic tests, and specific spinal imaging, is crucial to pinpoint precisely where the spinal subluxations are located—typically between the first and second cervical vertebrae (C1 and C2), which are common culprits for headache sufferers.

Specific Chiropractic Adjustments in Missouri City, TX

The chiropractic adjustment is a cornerstone of our treatment approach, especially when addressing chronic headaches and migraines. Many headaches are linked to spinal subluxation—misalignments within the spine, particularly in the neck, that can irritate nerves, tense muscles, and even hinder blood flow between the brain and the rest of the body.

Our treatment approach for such cases is meticulous and gentle. The goal is to realign the spine to its natural position, dramatically improving the nerve function and blood flow often restricted by these spinal issues. Adjustments mobilize the joints, helping relieve tension in the affected muscles.

This method effectively breaks the muscle spasticity and pain cycle, offering significant relief from headaches. By restoring proper alignment and movement, our chiropractic adjustments provide a profound and lasting solution to headache sufferers, helping them regain comfort and enhancing their overall quality of life.

Cervical Traction

Cervical traction is a therapeutic method to relieve disc problems and other spinal dysfunctions contributing to headaches. Traction decompresses the vertebrae in the cervical spine (neck region), leading to several vital health benefits, including:

  • Pain Relief
  • Improved Mobility
  • Reduced Nerve Compression
  • Decreased Muscle Spasms
  • Enhanced Recovery
  • Improved Posture
  • Nerve Pain Relief

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Common Types of Headaches We Treat in Missouri City, TX

When looking for a solution to recurring headaches, it is essential not only to treat the symptoms but also to truly identify and work on correcting the root cause of the problem. Corrective chiropractic care considers all of these different situations and addresses all of these factors for the best possible outcomes.

Tension Headache

Tension headaches, often described as a feeling of a tight band or pressure around the forehead or back of the head and neck, are the most common type of headache. They typically manifest as dull, achy, bilateral pain affecting both sides of the head. These headaches are usually mild to moderate in intensity rather than throbbing and do not worsen with routine physical activity.

Stress, muscle strain, and mental fatigue are common triggers that contribute to tension headaches’ onset. Poor posture and neck or jaw problems, such as bruxism, can also lead to tension headaches. Additionally, environmental factors like noise, strained eyesight, and certain behaviors like prolonged computer use or driving can exacerbate or trigger these headaches.

Cluster Headache

Cluster headaches are known for being extremely painful and typically occur in cyclical patterns or “clusters.” The pain is sudden and severe, often described as piercing or burning, and typically localized around or behind one eye. Other identifying features include one-sided pain, restlessness during an attack, and associated symptoms such as red or watering eyes, nasal congestion, and swelling or drooping of the eyelid on the affected side. The pain of a cluster headache peaks rapidly, often within 5 to 10 minutes, and can last from 15 minutes to 3 hours. Attacks typically occur in series lasting weeks or months, followed by remission periods when the headaches stop.

It’s believed that hormone dysregulation, the body’s sudden release of histamine or serotonin, is behind cluster headaches. Optimizing the nervous system through chiropractic care can help regulate hormone production and quell cluster headache attacks.


Migraines are intense and often debilitating headaches characterized by a throbbing or pulsing sensation, usually on one side of the head. They are frequently accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and extreme sensitivity to light and sound. Some people experience visual disturbances known as aura, such as flashes of light, blind spots, or other neurological symptoms shortly before the headache begins.

It’s believed that the exact cause of migraines involves changes in brain chemicals and the nervous system, alongside genetic factors. Various triggers can precipitate a migraine, including hormonal changes (particularly in women), certain foods and additives, stress, sensory stimuli like bright lights or strong smells, changes in sleep patterns, physical exertion, medications, and environmental changes like weather or barometric pressure changes.

Sinus Headache

A deep and constant pain in the forehead, cheekbones, or the bridge of the nose often characterizes sinus headaches. The pain typically intensifies with sudden head movements or straining. These headaches are associated with sinusitis, which involves inflammation of the sinuses. Identifying characteristics include pain and pressure in the affected sinus areas, along with symptoms like nasal discharge, fullness in the ears, fever, and facial swelling.

The primary cause of sinus headaches is sinusitis, either from an infection (bacterial, viral, or fungal) or from ongoing issues such as nasal polyps or allergies that block the sinuses. This blockage leads to a buildup of pressure within the sinuses, resulting in pain.

Cervicogenic Headache

Cervicogenic headaches are secondary headaches, meaning they are caused by underlying conditions associated with neck problems. They typically manifest as a steady, non-throbbing pain starting at the back of the head, often on one side, and then spreading forward. This headache might also be accompanied by shoulder or upper back discomfort.

The primary cause of cervicogenic headaches is a disorder or injury within the cervical spine or soft tissues of the neck, such as a herniated disc, neck trauma, or arthritis. Issues in the neck can lead to pain in the head due to the complex network of nerves connecting the cervical spine to the scalp.

The most effective way to get rid of cervicogenic headaches is to treat the source of the neck issue. Treatment strategies may include physical therapy to improve posture and increase range of motion, chiropractic adjustments, and massage therapy. Lifestyle changes such as ergonomic adjustments at workstations, regular stretching, and stress management can also help prevent the recurrence of these headaches.

Check Out Our Location Near You

5425 Hwy 6 Suite A-300
Missouri City, TX 77459

Frequently Asked Questions

Is a chiropractor in Missouri City, TX, good for headaches?

A chiropractor can be highly effective for treating headaches, especially if they focus on correcting cervical misalignments that often contribute to headache pain. Our goal of long-term headache relief is only achieved by correcting the underlying cause of the problem rather than chasing symptoms with OTC pain relievers and muscle relaxers.

When should you see a chiropractor for headaches?

Headaches are common, but they are not normal. They are our body’s warning of a deeper problem. Chiropractors can help pinpoint the underlying cause and address it for long-term relief rather than continually chasing symptoms.

Is a massage or chiropractic better for headaches?

Both massage and chiropractic care can be effective for headaches, but chiropractic care specifically targets cervical misalignments and neurological and vascular issues that often cause headaches, potentially providing a more long-term solution.

How can I relieve my headaches?

To relieve headaches, consider seeking chiropractic care to address any spinal or cervical issues. Maintaining good posture, staying hydrated, and managing stress can also help reduce headache frequency and intensity.

Can getting your neck adjusted help with headaches?

Yes, getting your neck adjusted by a chiropractor can help with headaches, particularly if they are caused by cervical misalignments or tension, as adjustments can relieve nerve pressure and improve blood flow.

Is chiropractic effective for migraines?

Chiropractic can help relieve the symptoms of migraines. A chiropractor can adjust your spine and balance energy flow through your nervous system. Chiropractic care can increase circulation in the areas of the head that cause migraines, which can reduce inflammation and pain caused by migraines. In addition, chiropractic care can help reduce the likelihood of a migraine attack.

What is a natural way to relieve tension headaches?

A natural way to relieve tension headaches is to maintain proper posture, use relaxation techniques like deep breathing or yoga, and apply heat or cold packs to the neck and shoulders to reduce muscle tension.

$49 New Patient Headache Consultation Special

Comprehensive Consultation
Complete Physical Examination
All Necessary Digital X-rays
Report of Findings

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