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Pregnancy Chiropractor For Pregnant Moms in Missouri City, TX. Chiropractic Care For Pregnancy Pain Relief.

Pregnancy Chiropractor For Pregnant Moms in Missouri City, TX

Pregnancy is a time of incredible anticipation and drastic physical and hormonal changes.

As your pregnancy progresses, your body produces higher levels of two hormones – relaxin and elastin. They do exactly what it sounds like they do. They make the ligaments that stabilize your musculoskeletal system more flexible, relaxed, and elastic so your pelvis can prepare for delivery.

Since these hormones are in your bloodstream, they can affect stabilizing ligaments throughout your body, not just those related to labor and delivery. These ligaments hold your joints in place and ensure proper alignment of your skeletal system. An increase in relaxin and elastin puts you at greater risk for misalignments and injuries, especially if you have pre-existing conditions, spinal issues, unresolved injuries, scoliosis, etc.

$49 New Patient Pregnancy Care Special

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As your baby grows, so does your belly, altering your weight distribution and putting unfamiliar stress on your lumbar spine. This can change the shape of the lumbar spine and the natural tilt of your pelvis, resulting in an increase in low back pain, muscle tension, muscle spasms, decreased mobility, and other musculoskeletal pain syndromes like sciatica, numbness, tingling, and cramping.

These physical and hormonal changes affect every mother’s day-to-day life, but they can also affect the delivery itself. Research shows that mothers under chiropractic care have a 35% shorter labor and delivery time than mothers not under care during their pregnancy. Maintaining normal musculoskeletal alignment and balance is critical to avoiding complications affecting the spine and pelvis, making a natural delivery much more likely.

How Our Pregnancy Care Plan Works

Obsessive About
The Cause

Stop focusing on your symptoms! To get real results, feel great, and live a vibrant life, you have to correct the cause of your problem, not just treat the symptoms.


Our doctors will design a comprehensive care plan based on YOU – your goals and exam findings. This gets real results in your body and transforms your health.

Lasting Results & Continual Improvement

Great health is not a few weeks of feeling good. You deserve a lifetime of vitality. We’ll help you get the results you want and partner with you for a life without limits.

How We Treat Pregnant Moms in Missouri City, TX

Comprehensive Consultation Exam

During your initial consultation, we’ll discuss your unique health history, the current state of your body, any symptoms you may be experiencing, and your goals for care. We’ll conduct a posture exam, range of motion assessment, palpation of the spine, and a surface EMG. This EMG is a digital, non-invasive nervous system scan done instead of X-rays and is entirely safe for pregnant women. It allows us to analyze stress and subluxations in the body to create a more customized treatment plan for correction.

Specific Chiropractic Care in Missouri City, TX

A subluxation is a misaligned joint that can’t move through its full range of motion. This issue has both physical and neurological implications since the spine is critical to protecting the nervous system, including:

  • Various pain syndromes
  • Restricted mobility
  • Muscle tension
  • Muscle spasms
  • Muscle weakness
  • Nerve irritation
  • Organ dysfunction
  • Body system dysfunction

A misalignment in the spine or pelvis can have multiple implications for the health of a pregnant woman. The uterus is attached to the pelvis. Pelvic dysfunction can create intrauterine constraint and force the baby into uncomfortable positions that don’t allow for natural movement. If your baby can’t move freely in the uterus, it may not be able to assume the correct position during labor and delivery, increasing the risk of complications, longer labor times, C-section, or delivery intervention with suction or forceps.

Gentle chiropractic adjustments during pregnancy help correct these misalignments, improving the mother’s physical and neurological functions, which are critical to the baby’s development. Various accommodations are made that allow for safe and comfortable adjustments during pregnancy without causing strain on the pregnant body. With chiropractic care, pregnant women and their babies can enjoy a more comfortable pregnancy, safer and shorter delivery times, and optimal fetal development.

The Webster Technique

Neuromusculoskeletal imbalances contribute to a higher risk of C-section, birth complications, or stress on the mother and baby. Intervention during their pregnancy, whether it’s longer labor times, aggressive delivery through vacuum extraction, forceps, or C-section, increases the risk of injury for both the mother and baby. The baby specifically can develop subluxations or misalignments in their neck, torticollis, and postural imbalances when there’s significant birth trauma and has a higher risk of developing scoliosis later on in life. Damage and injury to the neck can affect cervical nerve function, increasing the risk of common childhood illnesses like ear infections, asthma, respiratory issues, digestive problems, and colic.

As prenatal chiropractors, we often use the Webster technique to improve pelvic balance and fetal positioning. Specific neuromuscular imbalances in the mother contribute to intrauterine constraint, leading to breech presentations. The Webster technique balances the mother’s muscles to allow her baby to move naturally in the uterus without stress or constraint and has an over 80% success rate at avoiding C-sections. At Life Essentials Chiropractic, we are Webster certified, which allows us to care for mothers at all stages of pregnancy and even their children after birth.

Nutritional Supplementation

Pregnant mothers have a unique increased demand for certain nutrients and calories to help their growing baby develop. To ensure the proper development of the baby’s body, we must address certain nutrient deficiencies. This will help your baby reach specific milestones and help you progress healthily through each stage of pregnancy.

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Common Causes of Pregnancy Pain in Missouri City, TX

Lower Back Pain

As your baby grows, so does your belly. This accentuates the curvature of the lumbar spine and pelvis, causing stress and strain on the joints, discs, nerves, and surrounding connective tissue. Misalignments in the pelvis and spine are much more common during pregnancy because of the exaggerated additional weight and musculoskeletal instability caused by hormonal changes.

We’re certified in the Webster technique, an entire system of analyzing and evaluating biomechanical imbalances and misalignments that are common during pregnancy. The Webster technique takes into account the unique needs and changes a mother’s body experiences in nine months, as well as the infant’s unique needs during labor and delivery.


Headaches are common during pregnancy due to the increased likelihood of spinal misalignments, especially in the cervical spine. Cervical misalignments in the neck affect nerve and blood supply to the brain and trigger muscle imbalances in the sub-occipital muscles around the back of the head. Hormonal changes during pregnancy also increase the frequency and severity of headaches, especially true if you suffered from headaches pre-pregnancy.

Chiropractic care is excellent for headache relief. Our holistic approach to balance the cervical musculature reduces muscle tension and spasms and realigns the spine to improve nerve and blood supply. At Life Essentials Chiropractic, we have an extremely high success rate at reducing and often eliminating headaches during pregnancy.

Pubic Symphysis Disorder

Relaxin is a hormone released during pregnancy that helps loosen the ligaments around the pelvis to allow for an easier delivery. Due to the increased flexibility and altered weight distribution, the mother’s body is more prone to shifting and getting stuck out of alignment. This puts pregnant mothers at higher risk of pain and injury. Chiropractic care helps balance pelvic alignment as those hormonal changes start. We help maintain alignment and balance of the entire pelvic structure to relieve pressure on the areas causing pain.

Urinary Incontinence

Urinary incontinence in pregnancy is a sign of bladder pressure from a weakened pelvic floor or biomechanical imbalance. It can be alarming as a telltale sign that the mother’s pelvic floor is not activated or strong enough for a smooth delivery. Complications are possible if the pelvic floor is not strong enough to participate fully in the delivery of the baby. This is one reason why exercise during pregnancy is critical.

Round Ligament Pain

The round ligament attaches to the sacrum and pelvis and wraps under the front of the belly. During pregnancy, misalignments cause tension in the round ligament, making it feel taut and stiff and causing dull to sharp pain.

Chiropractic techniques gently and safely release the round ligament tension, relieving pain. The round ligament can apply pressure to the uterus, affecting the baby’s development space. It’s essential to allow the baby adequate room to avoid intrauterine constraint as the baby develops and delivers.

Pelvic Pain

There are numerous ways the pelvis tilts or rotates. This is especially true as you get closer to delivery as the baby attempts to maneuver through the birth canal safely. Pelvic changes, though necessary, cause pain throughout the SI joints and into the lumbar spine. Like any health problem, addressing the issue as soon as possible is always safer and more time effective. Neglecting pain puts you and your baby at risk for a longer labor and more stressful delivery.

Breech Baby

During delivery, your baby should be head down. A breech position, when the baby delivers sideways or upside down, is very dangerous. It puts the baby at risk of respiratory and biomechanical stress on the delicate joints of the spine in the skull.

Pelvic misalignment is often the culprit for a baby in a breech position. A distorted pelvis creates tension in the round ligament, which supports and holds the uterus in the proper position. When the ligaments are tight or the pelvis is misaligned, it twists the uterus and constrains the baby’s positioning, not allowing it to move freely into the correct delivery position.

The Webster technique has an 80% success rate at balancing the ligaments and pelvic bony structures that make up the birth canal, giving the baby its best opportunity to have a safe, natural, easy delivery.


Sciatica is the compression or irritation of the sciatic nerves, a grouping of nerves that exit the lower lumbar spine and travel through the glutes down the legs. Problems with lumbar spinal discs, misalignments, or muscle imbalances can cause sciatica. Those with a history of spinal injuries, disc issues, or sciatica are more likely to experience it during pregnancy due to physical and hormonal changes and deconditioned muscle activity. Chiropractic care is uniquely qualified to analyze and identify areas of the spine, pelvis, or surrounding musculature for imbalances and create a customized plan of approach to correct any abnormalities. The best part about chiropractic care during pregnancy is it’s safe, gentle, and natural, with no need for drugs, shots, or surgery.

Check Out Our Location Near You

5425 Hwy 6 Suite A-300
Missouri City, TX 77459

Frequently Asked Questions

Is chiropractic care safe during pregnancy?

Yes. At Life Essentials Chiropractic, we are Webster-certified chiropractors specializing in pregnancy. Chiropractic care during pregnancy is very safe and gentle for both the mother and the growing baby.

When should I start seeing a chiropractor during pregnancy?

The best time to start care is at the beginning of pregnancy to identify and correct minor issues that will grow into more significant issues as your pregnancy progresses. As the months go by, your body will experience physical and hormonal changes that could cause pain and dysfunction if we don’t make adjustments. It’s always easier, safer, and more comfortable for the mother and baby to correct those things and monitor them throughout the pregnancy than waiting until they present with a significant issue.

Can chiropractic adjustments cause a miscarriage?

There is absolutely zero correlation or evidence of any risk of chiropractic causing miscarriage or pregnancy complications.

Is it normal to have lower back pain in early pregnancy?

Low back pain can occur at any time during pregnancy but is likely to become more intense in the later stages as the baby grows. This is normal due to the hormonal and biomechanical changes taking place, but chiropractic care can help relieve that pain and restore stability and structure to the spine.

How do you relieve lower back pain during pregnancy?

Consulting with a Webster-certified chiropractor who specializes in the unique needs of pregnant women is always the best solution for lower back pain during pregnancy.

Who is the best chiropractor for pregnancy in Missouri City, TX?

Dr. Brian Anderson is a Webster-certified chiropractor specializing in caring for pregnant patients!

$49 New Patient Pregnancy Care Special

Comprehensive Consultation
Complete Physical Examination
All Necessary Digital X-rays
Report of Findings

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